Offering counselling in Surrey to those experiencing mental health challenges.

Offering counselling in Surrey to those experiencing mental health challenges.


Jordan embarked on his counseling career with an unwavering commitment to helping individuals overcome challenges and thrive in their lives. With two decades of experience in the field, his mission has been to empower others by assisting them in developing effective strategies to achieve their goals. Throughout his journey, Jordan has continually sought to cultivate a well-rounded and balanced skill set, enabling him to provide the utmost support and guidance.

Early in his career, Jordan had the exceptional opportunity to contribute to a groundbreaking BC provincial pilot program that integrated Mental Health Service delivery across inter-provincial ministries. This experience paved the way for several years of invaluable work as a behavioral interventionist, where he dedicated himself to assisting children and their families at The Centre for Childhood Development. Subsequently, Jordan served as the lead counselor at an esteemed substance abuse facility, honing his expertise in guiding individuals on the path to recovery. In his most recent role as an intake coordinator for Delta Mental Health, he diligently ensured that a diverse range of clients received prompt access to top-quality clinical psychology care.

Jordan’s diverse professional background has profoundly shaped his understanding that each individual’s journey is unique, even when their experiences may seem similar. He recognizes that problems and their solutions are far from linear, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches that embrace the complexities of human existence. With this wisdom, Jordan continues to advocate for holistic and personalized care, driven by a genuine desire to support individuals in their pursuit of well-being and fulfillment.

Looking for CBT therapy near me? Contact Jordan Penner, registered clinical counsellor today for help with your mental health.


Registered Clinical Counsellor

Jordan is licensed as a Registered Clinical Counsellor through the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors BCACC. The BCACC is a professional organization and regulatory body that provides support, resources, and advocacy for clinical counsellors in British Columbia, Canada. Obtaining a licensed with the BCACC require fulfillment of educational, clinical experience, and ethical requirements.

Two logos for Registered Clinical Counsellor, featuring the words bccc and kccc.


Jordan earned a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Trinity Western University, specializing in both Child and Youth Psychology and Marriage and Family Counseling. Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, Jordan has consistently expanded his counseling toolbox, acquiring new methods and techniques that empower him to provide innovative solutions to his clients. In recent years, Jordan has undertaken advanced training in various modalities, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), High Conflict Co-parenting and Parent/Child Reunification, and Eye Movement (EMDR).

Guided by a resolute mission, Jordan is dedicated to facilitating your personal growth journey, supporting you in enhancing your overall well-being, and fostering more fulfilling life experiences. By drawing upon a diverse range of therapeutic approaches and techniques, Jordan aims to offer tailored support that meets your unique needs and empowers you to achieve meaningful and sustainable change.


Jordan is trained in the following therapeutic techniques

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT Focuses on the interactions between our Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors and is foundational therapy to support Anxiety, Depression, and Addictions. CBT helps to make sense of what is happening and how to change it.

The central concept in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is that our thoughts (cognition) influence our feelings and behaviors. It suggests that certain patterns of thinking, often referred to as cognitive distortions, can contribute to emotional distress and problematic behaviors. By identifying and challenging these distorted thoughts, individuals can develop more balanced and realistic thinking patterns, leading to improved emotional well-being and healthier behaviors.

Using CBT Jordan works with you, collaboratively to identify and understand the your difficulties, develop personalized strategies, and implement behavioral and cognitive interventions to address them.

A family sitting in a living room with a child playing a video game.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT has been extensively researched and has demonstrated effectiveness in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, and substance abuse.

To book your Cognitive Behavioural Therapy session, click below

Looking for CBT therapy near me? Contact Jordan Penner, registered clinical counsellor today for help with your mental health.

Narrative Therapy services

Narrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on understanding and reshaping of your personal narratives or stories. It is based on the idea that our identities and experiences are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves and others about our lives.

During your narrative therapy sessions, Jordan Penner will employ various techniques to facilitate the process, such as open-ended questions, externalizing problems, exploring alternative perspectives, and identifying unique outcomes. The goal is to help you develop a more empowering and constructive narrative that promotes growth, resilience, and positive change.

Narrative therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, relationship problems, and self-esteem concerns. It can be conducted individually, in couples, families, or groups, depending on the specific needs and goals of the clients.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy approach designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories or experiences. EMDR is based on the understanding that traumatic experiences can become “stuck” in the brain’s memory processing system, causing ongoing distress and interfering with adaptive functioning. The therapy aims to facilitate the reprocessing of these distressing memories by activating the brain’s natural healing mechanisms.

This process helps to facilitate the reprocessing of the memory, allowing it to become integrated into the person’s overall memory network in a more adaptive and less distressing way.

Jordan Penner is Surrey premier mental health care provider for cognitive behavioural therapy work and mental health problems.
Jordan is a Canadian certified counsellor that works with evidenced based psychological therapy.

Solution Focused Therapy services

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a goal-oriented and brief form of psychotherapy that focuses on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It is based on the belief that individuals already possess the strengths and resources necessary to create positive change in their lives.

In solution-focused therapy services, the therapist collaborates with the client to identify and amplify their existing strengths, resources, and skills. The approach is future-focused and emphasizes setting clear, achievable goals. Rather than analyzing the root causes of problems, SFT seeks to explore exceptions to the problem and identify what is already working well in the client’s life.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

DBT is all about Validation and Support. Specifically designed to help people cope with intense distressing emotions, DBT is an great option to help improve distress tolerance and learn to skills to self sooth, regulate emotions, and reduce reactive behaviors.

A Registered Clinical Counsellor providing therapy to a woman in a bedroom.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

Chances are you may have heard something about DBT – It is the new exciting therapy teaching people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships.
“When I google DBT, the internet says it is for treating suicide and personality disorders!”

DBT was initially developed as a skills based approach to teach individuals experiencing intense emotional reactivity more effective ways to respond to chronic suicidal ideation, self-harm or other negative behaviours. Because DBT is a skills and tool based approach, these techniques are easily applied to any area one wishes to address in their life. DBT has proven to be incredibly effective at reducing PTSD, managing anxiety, supporting addiction, and improving relationships. If you can identify an area in your life that you want to improve – DBT has an easy to follow strategy to help you reach your goal.

DBT Techniques

The elevator pitch for DBT is “Teaching you how to become aware of and experience your immediate reality, accepting this reality for only what it is, while employing skills to tolerate any distress allowing you to make proactive change to improve the present and build a life worth living for the future.”

DBT is not about judging right vs wrong rather it focuses on skill development in the following areas:

Acceptance and change

You will develop strategies to accept and tolerate your experiences, emotions, and yourself. While making productive changes in behaviors and interactions with others that are in line with you established goals. Yes acceptance and change do seem like two opposing ideas – hence the term Dialectic. Learning to balance acceptance and change is a key aspect in creating peace while establishing with change.


You’ll learn to analyze problems and unhelpful patterns; replacing them with healthier and goal-oriented behaviours.


You’ll focus on changing thoughts, beliefs, judgments that are not effective or helpful. Personally, I feel the DBT skills relating to judgment are some of the most transformation aspects of DBT. Here we will learn to identify and be mindful of judgments while not being consumed by all or nothing thinking.


You’ll learn to communicate effectively and establish personal boundaries with others. For instance, learning how and when to say “No” and have it accepted; is always a favorite session.

You’ll develop a full tool box of new skills to enhance your capabilities; complete with easy to follow handouts and prompts to continue your growth for days and years to come. DBT is not just an “while in-Session” therapy. DBT breaks down into 4 specific sets of skills:

A Surrey counselor in a blue shirt and tie.

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