
A man embracing mental health while standing on top of a rock with his arms outstretched.

diagnostic & treatment of sad (seasonal affective disorder)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – Diagnosis and treatment diagnosis Even with a thorough evaluation, it can sometimes be difficult for your doctor or mental health professional to diagnose seasonal affective disorder because other types of depression or other conditions can cause similar symptoms. Physical Exam – Your doctor may do a physical exam and ask […]

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A Surrey counselor converses with a woman in a chair.

Clean Communication

AVOID JUDGEMENTAL WORDS AND LOADED TERMS These are words and comments that are designed to communicate to others that they are personally flawed or wrong. This attacks and undermines their feelings of self-worth. AVOID GLOBAL LABELS Generalized condemnations of another’s identity “stupid, sexist, crazy, selfish, lazy, useless, evil” During an argument, these labels may feel

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A serene lake surrounded by mountains, promoting mental health and relaxation.

Mindfulness Skills quotes

FOCUS ON A SINGLE MINUTE Using a watch, sit quietly with your eyes closed, and without counting, do your best to estimate when you think 1 minute has passed. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS ON A SINGLE OBJECT Pick an object to practice mindful focusing. What does the surface look like? What color is it? What makes it

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A couple seeking therapy seated on a couch displaying distress.

Distress Tolerance Quotes

“Why did I do that?!?!”  At times emotions can overwhelm us and trigger a reaction that is not helpful.  It’s not easy but at times, it can be useful to distract yourself from difficult emotions in the short-term.   Take a step back in order to give you time to re-center. The posts Distress Tolerance Skills

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11 Quotes on Co-Parenting

You can be right or you can be happy Co-operative parenting is about working together to resolve issues for long term support of the child(ren) not proving who is right or wrong in the moment. Create a Parenting Plan Take the time or get assistance to develop a Parenting-Plan Detailed plans help to produce stability.

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